Prof. Arnab Maity


Autopilot Design of a Drone Delivery System

Manav Vora

Year of Study: 4th

Contact details: 7069773524

Project type: Independent research project.

Motivation to pursue project: A genuine interest in aerial robotics.

Summary of Project: The main aim of the project is to design an autopilot for an autonomous delivery drone. The autopilot consists of two parts: a nominal controller and a robust controller. The nominal controller is for performance in ideal conditions i.e. without uncertainties. The robust controller is then augmented to account for the disturbances and uncertainties. As of now, I have implemented 3 different nominal controllers and am now working on implementing the various robust controllers like SMC, Adaptive control etc. The nominal controllers implemented were Dynamic Inversion based controller, PID and Backstepping controller.

Experience and Time commitment (1: very low, 5: very high):

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Involvement of the professor
How strict were the deadlines
Learning outcome
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